Buy Free Domain | Free websites bulding | Fee Sites | Tech World Rahee In this video included how to register free domains, for your sites, please watch video till last to know how can do this, lets start.. Follow the bellow step or video step 1. you have to go on freenom sites 2. you have to enter your domain name which you want 3. than you have to click on check eligibility 4. after that you can see many option like, tk, mk, mg, or many tipes domain you can see fee, if you want to .com,net ,in like domain so you have to charge for this domain, now i am telling about only free domain. 5. select which domain you want, 6. you have to chekout 7. after that you have to verify your email id and you have to fill domain registration form after that your domain will be process, 8. finaly after place your order your domain is ready for use. Search Tags(Ignore): Buy free domain, free website, free website winding, free hosting, website, internet, internet world, www,...
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